Welcome to the History is Magic Substack
Current Project: Louisa Sophia and The Last Chance Tour
As I began to write my first novel, I set out to do three things.
Make it fun.
Create characters the readers care about.
Fill it with history.
As the process has gotten farther along I now realize the history I researched has made the first two goals more attainable and thus my author tagline: History is Magic.
Every page of history I read builds a story, but it is the infinite number of what could have been scenarios that end up putting their spell on me. For example, historical research into the archeologists and power players of 1883 Cairo inspired me to completely change the trajectory of my Lamentations and Magic series. I did so after reading this simple footnote:
While on Corfu, Baring became aware of his own lack of education, and began a campaign of self-education, learning Greek and becoming fluent in Italian. He also took a mistress and fathered a daughter out of wedlock, Louisa Sophia.
I created a leading lady role for Louisa Sophia. As the half Greek, illegitimate daughter of a very powerful British noble, Louisa would have had access to opportunities most young ladies of the 1860-1880s did not have. At the same time she might well have been an outsider in both of her worlds. That is a perfect starting point for any tortured protagonist and Louisa Sophia is no different.
If you haven’t read Ancient Civilizations, the first book with Louisa, you can start here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSBNNQJ4
Building Louisa’s fictional backstory inspired a lot of my current project, Louisa Sophia and The Last Chance Tour, while a trip to Portugal and all its wonderful history inspired another portion of the book.
I hope you join Louisa and I as we explore what could have been if only in our imaginations.
Subscribe to this Substack and you will have a front row seat to my historical research for the book but also some of the chapters as I go. I hope you enjoy the ride.